2011年10月20日 星期四




  • AISCSO 的資深諮詢留學顧問均具備美國名牌大學MBA或研究生學位或以上,至少四年或以上美國工作生活經驗,熟悉美國留學申請流程,瞭解美國文化生活,以及不同專 業的資深諮詢顧問總監均曾就職於或仍就職於美國各大著名公司或高校,可以為申請人提供最權威和專業的升學建議與美國就業/創業指導。
  • AISCSO的資深文書顧問擁有美國名校語言專業本科或以上學位,大部分擁有美國平面傳媒從業經驗。同時,AISCSO邀請到眾多美國名校係主任及校友作為升學服務的特別客座顧問,給予申請人適當的指導。


  • University of Texas Department of Education advisor;
  • Robert M. Seese, ED.D, Texas State University International office Director;
  • Rosario R. Davis, Texas State University ESL Department Director;
  • Dale Nave, International Students Advisor;
  • David ChuPh.D ; Former Mayor of City of San Marcos, Texas;
  • Claire WeinsteinPh.D; Professor of Department of Education, University of Texas at Austin;
  • Leona WeinsteinPh.D ; Director of Austin Independent School District Junior High School Division;
  • Si ChenFRM, MSCF, Assistant Vice President of Bank of New York Mellon


  • Elliott Naishtat, State of Texas Representative;
  • James Chen, MBA, State of Texas Regional director-Asia /Pacific Economic Development & Tourism;
  • Kevin Johns, AICP, Director of City of Austin;
  • J. Rodney Gonzales, Deputy Director, City of Austin, Texas;
  • Ben Ramirez, International Program Manager; City of Austin, Texas


美國留學考試 - What is TOEFL?

美國留學考試 - What is TOEFL?   

What is TOEFL? 

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is an admission required test for non-native English speaking students who intend to apply colleges in Canada , U.S. and many English speaking colleges and universities. TOEFL evaluate the ability of an individual to use and understand English in an academic setting.
How is it tested?
Starting from September 2006, TOEFL are all internet-based Tests (iBT).

 What are the testing categories?

  1. Reading [ 3 ~ 5 passages, each containing 12 ~ 14 questions, 60 ~ 100 minutes ]

The Reading section consists of 3–5 passages, each approximately 700 words in length and questions about the passages. The passages are on academic topics; they are the kind of material that might be found in an undergraduate university textbook. Passages require understanding of rhetorical functions such as cause-effect, compare-contrast and argumentation. Students answer questions about main ideas, details, inferences, essential information, sentence insertion, vocabulary, rhetorical purpose and overall ideas. New types of questions in the iBT require filling out tables or completing summaries. Prior knowledge of the subject under discussion is not necessary to come to the correct answer.
2.  Listening [6 ~ 9 passages, each containing 5 ~ 5 questions, 60 ~ 90 minutes]
The Listening section consists of six passages 3–5 minutes in length and questions about the passages. These passages include two student conversations and four academic lectures or discussions. A conversation involves two speakers, a student and either a professor or a campus service provider. A lecture is a self-contained portion of an academic lecture, which may involve student participation and does not assume specialized background knowledge in the subject area. Each conversation and lecture stimulus is heard only once. Test-takers may take notes while they listen and they may refer to their notes when they answer the questions. Each conversation is associated with five questions and each lecture with six. The questions are meant to measure the ability to understand main ideas, important details, implications, relationships between ideas, organization of information, speaker purpose and speaker attitude.

3.  Speaking [6 tasks, 6 questions, 20 minutes]

The Speaking section consists of six tasks: two independent tasks and four integrated tasks. In the two independent tasks, test-takers answer opinion questions on familiar topics. They are evaluated on their ability to speak spontaneously and convey their ideas clearly and coherently. In two of the integrated tasks, test-takers read a short passage, listen to an academic course lecture or a conversation about campus life and answer a question by combining appropriate information from the text and the talk. In the two remaining integrated tasks, test-takers listen to an academic course lecture or a conversation about campus life and then respond to a question about what they heard. In the integrated tasks, test-takers are evaluated on their ability to appropriately synthesize and effectively convey information from the reading and listening material. Test-takers may take notes as they read and listen and may use their notes to help prepare their responses. Test-takers are given a short preparation time before they have to begin speaking.

4.  Writing [2 tasks, 2 questions, 55 minutes]

The Writing section measures a test taker's ability to write in an academic setting and consists of two tasks: one integrated task and one independent task. In the integrated task, test-takers read a passage on an academic topic and then listen to a speaker discuss the same topic. The test-taker will then write a summary about the important points in the listening passage and explain how these relate to the key points of the reading passage. In the independent task, test-takers must write an essay that states, explains, and supports their opinion on an issue, supporting their opinions or choices, rather than simply listing personal preferences or choices.



美國的社區大學, 有時候又稱為初級學院, 或兩年製學院。 它們是基於社區的需要所設立的較小型學校, 而這些學校與附近的中學, 社區團體及相關雇主有著密切的相關。  社區大學是目前美國的高等學院裡最大, 也是成長最為快速的部分, 它們提供了廣泛而多樣的教育計畫。 

社區大學可以是私立的, 也可以是公立的。 完成學業後的學位就是兩年製聯合學位。  這種學位常常被認為是前往美國高等教育的一條通路。 因為對許多聯合學位的學生來講, 從兩年製社區大學轉學到四年製學院或大學, 是常有的路徑, 藉此以完成學士學位。  這種轉學方式, 因為 “2+2” 的接合方式使得它變得容易。 在社區大學與四年製大學院或大學的轉學協議中, 容許社區大學中所修得的學分, 得以計入學生將來完成四年製大學教育的計畫學分。

國的社區大學是理想高品質, 又有信譽的學校, 提供給學生於繼續其他學業前, 在有所支持的環境下, 開始他們的高等教育歷程。  社區大學的班級人數一般是相對的小, 並且是相當的專注在個人的需求。 另外, 社區大學提供了學生聯合學位, 或者沒有學位的職業訓練。 

國際學生可以發現在社區大學註冊就讀的一些好處, 例如可以藉由不同的視英語為第二語文的課程, 改進英文的語文能力, 同時可以從社區的觀點, 瞭解美國的文化。  另一個好處是, 社區大學的學費比一般大學低廉很多, 這對學生來講, 可以節省很多的金錢。 


Q: 無語言成績,仍可就讀美國知名大學 ?

Q: 無語言成績,仍可就讀美國知名大學 ?

A: 無需浪費時間參加任何託福雅思考試培訓,無需託福成績,申請者可以透過我們的美國名校錄取直通車,直接被全美TOP200以內的名校正式錄取,馬上開始美國留學生活






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    美國是全球領先的教育服務提供者,每年都吸引大批同學前往升學。升學的理由有百千種,可以為求知識求學問,可以為開闊眼界、磨練性格,可以為將來事業發展增 添籌碼、累積人脈。作為在美國學習、工作、生活多年的過來人,我十分希望同學和家長是基於自身的實際情況,經過認真思慮之後,理性地做出美國升學決定,而 非一時興起或受外界宣傳影響。 

    對不少同學而言,前往美國升學是人生當中的第一次重大嘗試,很有可能會完全改變自身及家人的生活軌跡。做出這個決定前,有許多準備工作需要得到家長的指導 和幫助。而同學自己也應叩首自問、考慮周詳,並多聽取值得信賴的長輩或專業升學顧問的意見。現今網路普及,資訊發達,同學可以透過網路獲取大量升學資訊, 或通過坊間大量升學講座獲得更深入的資訊。面對良莠不齊、種類繁多的資訊,同學及家長應該以清靜心做出理性判斷和過濾,避免未蒙其利先受其害。

   見過一些同學是選擇自己DIY,從收集課程資料到提交申請都完全由自己完成,這種獨立精神值得一贊。但是,其所付出的機會成本很可能是一個甚或多個更好的 錄取機會,又或是一份年薪百萬的事業藍圖。為了得到多些更好的選擇,也為了不錯失專業抉擇的先機,尋找一位專業可靠而又經驗豐富的升學顧問作為你升學準備 的軍師,是十分明智的做法。傲世鼎成立的初衷,正是為了幫助同學可以擁有更多更好的升學機會,為理想的將來打好基礎。
   也見過很多申請者,固執地非金融、工程、電腦等熱門專業不讀。其實為就業計,在選擇專業上十分避忌跟紅頂白;另一方面,這些同學又是否真正理解所申請院 校、課程的實際研究方向與目的、 基礎知識結構,、學習能力要求, 及其校友網路、畢業生就業狀況?很多名稱相似的院係,教學內容同專業方向大相徑庭。而一些平常看似名不見經傳的院校、課程,其畢業生卻極受業界追捧,擁有 高薪酬和高就業率。由於時間精力有限,一般的申請者不容易掌握到這些資訊,傲世鼎十分樂意在這方面為同學們提供幫助。

    很多同學都希望可以進入排名最TOP的名校。事實上,綜合排名高的大學,某一專業排名未必最強。例如,哈佛大學的會計專業就不及德克薩斯州大學的會計專 ,而賓夕法尼亞大學的化學係也遜於德克薩斯州大學的化學係(根據 U.S.News 2011美國大學本科專業排行榜)。    

進入名校固之然最好,但是相對而言也有一定的潛在風險: 因為美國大學的學製是易進難出。見過不少進入排名Top100院校金融係或電腦係的中國學生,就讀不到一年就被勸退。據統計,平均每年中國留美畢業生的人 數隻有入學的人數的 35%。因此,同學們在做決定前應當謹慎衡量自己的能力,適當調整自己的期望值。寧可獲Top10%的美國高校學位證書,也不要勉強自己進入超級名校而畢 不了業,否則真是賠了夫人又折兵。

    一旦決定了前往美國升學,應該儘早規劃,早作籌謀。升學美國的申請流程依高中、大學本科、研究生院略有不同,但共同的是行動越快越好,愈早愈好。Murphy’s Law: Anything can go wrong will go wrong! 同學最好儘早開始準備院校要求的留學考試,並參加我們的留學講座免費索取最新院校資料了解最新的留學資訊和申請技巧,從中選擇合適自己的院校專業。想提高申請成功機率,可以網上預約谘詢我們的專業升學顧問,以製定最佳的選校方案。
